
Legacy Pest Control Videos (Mesa, AZ)

Legacy Pest Control Videos (Mesa, AZ)

Bee Removal

We remove bees using a special vacuum that protects the bees, but allows us to transport them to a new home. Very few bees are hurt in this process and they are then put to good use in the farming communities where they are needed the most.

Here is a customer that called us to have a large bee hive removed from their home. You can really hear them swarm.

Here is another video that talks about our bee removal process.

Termite Control

We protect your home with termite prevention treatments, however if you have already been invaded, no worries, we can take care of your home and drive them out quickly.

Residential Pest Control

If you are looking for residential pest control, we have you covered. We have been doing this for almost 10 years and have a 100% risk free guarantee!

Commercial Pest Control

Have a business and need pest control to protect your office and employees? We have you covered! We have been doing this for almost 10 years and have a 100% risk free guarantee!